25 February 2013


If you have been reading Tera Lynn Child's medusa trilogy, then you will be interested to see the cover reveal for the third book in the series, Sweet Legacy. This series sees teenage descendants of Medusa, triplets Gretchen, Grace and Greer, face their toughest test yet as the mythological and the modern collide in a fast-paced urban fantasy adventure. 

I love the modern feel of these covers, and in particular I love the blue/purple colours of Sweet Legacy. What do you think of the covers?

Book 2 in the series, Sweet Shadows is out this March and Sweet Legacy is publishing in the UK in September 2013. If you are yet to read the first in the series, Sweet Venom, you can read my review here.

And you should definitely check out the fab guest post by Tera Lynn Childs on Gretchen's Top 3 mythical creatures.

You can find Tera on Twitter or on her website.